Founded in 1930
Almaty college of communications
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Translation studies

02310100 Translation studies (by type) *
Qualification: 4S02310101 Translator
The translator’s profession has gained special importance in the XXI century. A professional translator helps to solve interethnic issues of a political, social and cultural nature.
The Almaty College of Communication trains specialists in the field of Translation. While studying, students not only improve their proficiency in a foreign language, but also expand their horizons.
Graduates receive the qualification of a translator and can perform translation, organizational, production and management, information and analytical, research activities.
ACC graduates can work:
► in state-owned enterprises
► in international companies
To become a qualified translator, an applicant must enroll in the Almaty College of Communication in this specialty and study 2 years and 10 months.
Duration of training: on the basis of 9 classes – 2 years 10 months
Tuition fees: 450 000 KZT
Form of training – full-time, part-time
Languages – Kazakh, Russian.
state grants per year