Founded in 1930
Almaty college of communications
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Alumni Association
Purpose of the Association — combining the intellectual, creative and business potential of students and specialists whose alma mater is the Almaty College of Communications at the Kazakh-American University.
Mission of the Association – rallying like-minded people around the college — people who cherish the ideals and traditions of the college, for whom the college will forever remain a symbol of professionalism, morality and education.

Every college has its own face. The face of a college, like any other educational institution, is, first of all, people. People who graduated from this college, work in it and most importantly, remember about it. Each educational institution has its own energy, which consists of the synthesis of the energies of tens of thousands of graduates, employees, students and traditions who want and can contribute to the full and comprehensive development of the college.
It has long been the custom that the parts of the educational institution form a kind of brotherhood of people united by belonging to their common alma mater, which gave them a start in professional life. In addition to the huge amount of knowledge that college gives its graduates, even more valuable are the relationships that arise between people over the years spent together in college and often sweep through their entire lives.
For 90 years of the glorious history of our college, fate has scattered many thousands of graduates around the world. These are highly qualified specialists working in various fields of telecommunications enterprises in our country. Today they bring their children and grandchildren here to study.
The success of the college is the success of its graduates, who are united by their student years and student friendship.
There is a period in every person’s life that he remembers with love and warmth in his heart. This is the time spent in college. These are the years for which so much has happened…