
Founded in 1930

Almaty college of communications

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10150100 Tourism

Qualification – 4S10150105 – Guide (guide-translator)
The profession of a guide-translator is in demand in the modern labor market. The specialty “Tourism” in ACC is aimed at training professional guides and translators.

During their studies at the Almaty College of Communication, students improve their professional competence in the field of foreign languages, history, and culture.

Graduates of the “Tourism” direction receive the qualification of a guide and a guide-translator. The functions of a guide-translator include accompanying tourists, familiarizing them with the traditions and cultures of the country, helping foreign guests navigate in an unfamiliar city.

Upon completion of college studies, the graduate:
 will become a qualified guide-translator;
► will increase the levels of linguistic and intercultural competencies in the field of professional and business interests;
 master the universal skills of organizational activity in the field of tourism.

To become a qualified specialist in the field of tourism, an applicant must enroll in the Almaty College of Communications for this specialty and study for 2 years and 10 months.

Duration of training: on the basis of 9 classes – 2 years 10 months
Tuition fees: 450 000 KZT
Form of training – full-time, part-time
Languages – Kazakh, Russian


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