
Founded in 1930

Almaty College of Communications

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Provision of Kazakhstan’s labor market with highly qualified specialists of technical and vocational education in the field of communications and telecommunications, promotion of technical knowledge, training of professional multilingual specialists for the communications and telecommunications industry.
Almaty College of Communication implements its Mission in accordance with the legislative and regulatory documents regulating the activities of the organization of education in the Republic of Kazakhstan:

– Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated August 30 , 1995. (with changes and additions as of 02.02.2011.);
– Strategic Development Plan of the Republic of Kazakhstan until 2020;
– Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Education” dated July 27, 2007. (with amendments and additions as of 01.11.2018);
– State mandatory standards of education;
– National Qualifications Framework;
– Industry qualifications framework;
– Standard rules of activity of educational organizations implementing educational programs of technical and vocational education;
– Standard curricula;
– Standard rules for the ongoing monitoring of academic performance, intermediate and final certification of students in organizations of technical and vocational, post-secondary education;
– Regulations of the International Educational Corporation;
– Other laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan, resolutions and orders of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
– Orders of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

In order to implement the Mission efficiently, a strategic development program of the college was developed for the period from 2019 to 2030, the purpose of which is to achieve the intended Mission.
The college development strategy outlines the following main directions of college development and ways to implement them:
* Develop and implement a Quality Management System based on the requirements of ST RK ISO 9001-2009 in 2020;
* Ensuring that students receive a profession and appropriate qualifications;
* Education of a competitive, highly qualified specialist with an active life position;
* Development of a system to promote the employment of graduates;
* Development of the material, technical and methodological base of the college;
* – Comprehensively develop a health-saving educational space in order to preserve and strengthen the health of all subjects of the educational process of the college;

To achieve the intended goals, the college staff is required to solve the following tasks:
* Creating an environment of effective interaction and conditions for self-realization of all participants in the educational process;
* Expanding the range of educational services;
* Improving the quality of education, mastering modern pedagogical technologies;
* Development of the material, technical and methodological base of the college.

Strategic areas of activity:
* Improving the competitiveness of graduates in the global labor market
* Development of the material and technical base
* Strengthening human resources
* Further development of the process of scientific and methodological activity
* Development of the informatization process
* Development of the process of educational activity

Thus, the Strategic Plan for the development of the college is an organic continuation of the State Program for the Development of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan until 2030 and fully contributes to the achievement of
The mission, goals and objectives of the college.

The process of developing and adopting the Strategic Plan of the College was carried out according to the established unified scheme of involvement of all stakeholders. (Discussion at the meetings of the cycle commissions, development of proposals, consideration, and adoption of them at the pedagogical council). During the development of the Strategy, the College staff analyzed the current situation and prospects for the development of society in the field of education in general, and in particular in the system of TVE in the field of telecommunications. During the analysis, current programs, legislative, regulatory acts, planned measures for the implementation of state policy in the field of education, and the development of TVE were used. Information about the level of demand of the labor market, the prospects for the development of the region was collected from data received from employers at a meeting at various events. The proposals were considered at a meeting of the pedagogical Council, and acceptable ones were included in the Strategic Plan for the Development of the college. The final version of the Plan was approved by the protocol of the Pedagogical Council (Protocol No. 1 of 28.08.19).

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